ETH - Taxes
Tax Distribuition
Last updated
Tax Distribuition
Last updated
Taxes on the Ethereum Chain will be directly linked with the Marketcap of the project.
Tax distribution as per below but total tax varies on each Marketcap milestone:
When SHIBELON is below $1,500,000 Marketcap then taxes on buy will be 1% and taxes on sell 7%
When SHIBELON is between $1,500,000 & $3,000,000 Marketcap then taxes on buy will be 2% and taxes on sell 6%
When SHIBELON is between $3,000,000 & $10,000,000 Marketcap then taxes on buy will be 3% and taxes on sell 5%
When SHIBELON is above $10,000,000 Marketcap then taxes on buy will be 3% and taxes on sell 3%
Marketing Tax
Development Tax
LP Tax
Team Tax