You can now stake $PEPEKI and earn $PEPEKI on the SHIBELON dApp

Step by Step Guide on how to Stake your $PEPEKI tokens:

  1. Switch Network to Binance Smart Chain Network

  2. Mint 1 or more SHIBELON NFT Each SHIBELON NFT allows you to stake 69,000,000 $PEPEKI tokens

  3. Go to Staking Pools

  4. Go to Pool Category no.3 'Stake partnered tokens to earn rewards in their currency'

  5. Select PEPEKI Pools

  6. Select how many days you want to stake your tokens for Available pools: 30 days, 45 days, 60 days, 120 days

  7. Approve your NFTs

  8. Select your approved NFTs

  9. Click on the Stake

  10. Approve your tokens

  11. Click on Stake

  12. Once Transaction has been confirmed, your tokens will enter the staking pool

  13. You can view your staking pool status by clicking on the active pool

APYs applied for $PEPEKI:

Expected earnings from staking 69,000,000,000 $PEPEKI tokens:

Important Info:

Disclaimer: When the pool starts running low, the project owners will be requested to deposit more tokens, failure to do so will result in the pool getting paused.

Last updated