
Example 1: Harry has 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) SHIBELON tokens and wants to stake his tokens.

He then mints a SHIBELON NFT and gets an uncommon NFT.

He heads to the staking dApp and is able to stake 120,000,000 SHIBELON tokens only since he is holding only 1 NFT.

His APY is automatically calculated at 150% since his NFT is uncommon.

He is then required to choose the lock duration of his tokens and NFT.

He selected 60 day lock duration and chooses to stake 120,000,000 tokens.

The final APY calculation is as follows: [[(APY based on NFT rarity) x (Lock duration multiplier)] x (Tokens he wants to stake)] - (Tokens he wants to stake) x (lock duration in days / 365) = Reward

[[[(150%) x (1.0)] x (120,000,000)] - (120,000,000)] x (60 / 365) = 9,863,013 Tokens earned.


Example 2: Sam has 20,000,000,000 (20 billion) SHIBELON tokens and wants to stake his tokens.

He then mints 5 SHIBELON NFT and gets 1 Legendary, 1 Rare and 3 Commons.

He heads to the staking dApp and is able to stake 600,000,000 SHIBELON tokens since he is holding only 5 NFTs.

His APY is automatically calculated at 400% since his highest rated NFT is legendary.

He is then required to choose the lock duration of his tokens and NFT.

He selected 365 day lock duration and chooses to stake 600,000,000 tokens.

The final APY calculation is as follows: [[(APY based on NFT rarity) x (Lock duration multiplier)] x (Tokens he wants to stake)] - (Tokens he wants to stake) x (lock duration in days / 365) = Reward

[[[(400%) x (2.5)] x (600,000,000)] - (600,000,000)] x (365 / 365) = 5,400,000,000 Tokens earned.

Last updated